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You've got questions - We've got answers

Frequently asked questions

Here are answers to questions we commonly get.
Click below to ask us anything if you can't find find what you are looking for

How much does it cost?

AutoAssess pricing is on a case-by-case basis and depends on your requirement, its complexity and volumes. As we explore your use-case together, we also advise on how to achieve the best outcomes for your business. A Zoom call is a great way to quickly understand what you want, look at relevant examples and answer questions.

Or if you know exactly what you want, you can also try Fast Track or Price My Project Assessment.

How do I get started?

We want to meet you wherever you are on your journey. That's why our Next Steps section offers several options to suit you. Try a demo, email or chat with us, book call with an expert, or select Fast Track or Price my Project.

Click Next Steps and select what works for you.

How long does it take before I can start rolling out my assessment?

As soon as it's ready. And that depends on how clear you are about what you want, if your survey is ready, if your report is designed - as well as on our workload. Clarity of specification always makes things faster. Talk to an expert to explore further.

How does it work?

The implementation process is described on the home page. Go to section.

Individual reports are triggered when a prospect or customer submits an answer to a survey. The survey platform notifies AutoAssess that it has received a new response. AutoAssess then matches the response to its pre-defined custom template, creates the report, sends it to the nominated recipient as an attachment to a customized email and optionally, notifies a designated CRM.

Do I need to pay for a Typeform account?

You may get away with a free Typeform account, but that's a bit restricted. Typeform is one of the platforms we support for high quality data collection. ReportGorilla and AutoAssess are separate from Typeform, but we have a tight integration with their platform. Normally you would pay Typeform for data collection and pay us for reporting. Typeform is a self service platform and we are a Full Service offering. (BTW, we can help you with your survey too.)

Can I use SurveyMonkey?

Yes. but be aware that SurveyMonkey requires a "Pro" Account (which usually involves paying a year in advance) to be able to access your SurveyMonkey data using 3rd party applications like AutoAssess and ReportGorilla. If you have a SurveyMonkey account, the easiest way to connect the accounts is:

a) When you set up a ReportGorilla account you will be asked about survey vendor. Select SurveyMonkey and follow the instructions.

b) If you already have a ReportGorilla account: Log in, click your user name top right and select MY ACCOUNT. Then, under Authorizations, click the Authorize button on the SurveyMonkey row and follow the instructions.

Can branding be added to the automated assessment?

Yes. you can have anything you like both in report and delivery email. It's a great professional touch to have survey, report and delivery email be consistent with website and company branding.

What type of output can be generated in the automated report?

Pretty much anything you'd like. What do you have in mind? Do you have an example to show us what you mean? You can email it to us in Next Steps, or send it to us in the Chat.

How many questions can I ask respondents?

Simple question - complex answer.

Short answer: It depends on the topic, how engaged and motivated the respondent is, how well structured and designed the survey is and on several other factors too. Aim for no more than necessary.

Long answer (and an interesting conversation): Schedule a call with an expert (click Next Steps below) and prepare by having a coffee ready for the call.

Can multiple stakeholders receive my automated report results

Yes. Also, different stakeholders can get different reports - from the same data. Amazing :-)

Assessments vs Survey Reporting

Assessments are reports based on only one survey response. With only one response, you need bespoke logic to compile the assessment and make recommendations. Survey Reporting (many responses) uses standard analytics to summarise results, but that's not very useful with only one response.

Auto means no manual steps. The assessment is created and delivered as soon as a response is received. It's like having a conversation with an expert or specialist, but faster and it works remotely. They ask questions based on their expertise, work out what to do and compose a report with their observations, conclusions and recommended actions. That's exactly how AutoAssess works.

Both the assessment and the delivery email can be completely customised & branded to your requirement.

Why do I need to register for a ReportGorilla account?

ReportGorilla is the core technology on which AutoAssess is built. ReportGorilla provides direct integration with our partner survey platforms and delivers standard and custom reporting on aggregate responses as well as to all the individual assessments.

For example,
you might use AutoAssess to provide individual feedback to participants in a course about their skills profile and where they should focus their attention. They get this as soon as they submit their response.

Once all answers are in, course leaders might want to look at aggregate skill profiles are across all participants to adapt and focus the course, or, group/team leaders or coaches might want to know the profile of their group or team. That's when the ReportGorilla reporting capabilities come into play.

Harness the power of automation

Ready to leverage & scale up your expertise with automated assessments?

It's a win-win: personalised information for your customers, limited work for you and your business.

Talk with us about what you need - We'd love to create the perfect automated assessment & reporting solution to help you achieve your ideal business outcomes.

Preview of a customised AutoAssess report that get's delivered to your end userPreview of a customised AutoAssess report that get's delivered to your end user
Preview of a customised AutoAssess report that get's delivered to your end userPreview of a customised AutoAssess report that get's delivered to your end user
Preview of a customised AutoAssess report that get's delivered to your end userPreview of a customised AutoAssess report that get's delivered to your end user
Preview of a customised AutoAssess report that get's delivered to your end userPreview of a customised AutoAssess report that get's delivered to your end user
Preview of a customised AutoAssess report that get's delivered to your end userimage of an autoassess report
Preview of a customised AutoAssess report that get's delivered to your end userPreview of a customised AutoAssess report that get's delivered to your end user
Preview of a customised AutoAssess report that get's delivered to your end userPreview of a customised AutoAssess report that get's delivered to your end user